Tuesday, July 28, 2009


A lucky guy ended up being in the restricted area where only the press and the cyclist were allowed to be, right at the beginning of the stage, right behind the start line. He took some video and I founded in YouTube. A cool coincidence: I am in it, because I got lucky too. Since I was wearing a loud blue jersey, I was able to spot myself in this video right away.

To see the Tour de France in my hometown was a very exciting, and interesting experience. I had the chance o see Lance Armstrong, up close, standing next to me for a while. Lance was giving instructions to a teammate, talking to the press, signing autographs, and getting ready to start the stage. I took lots of pictures of his whole anatomy.

I went to see the beginning of stage 7 with my Barcelonian friend Ricard, and we had a good time there, and on our way there. We crossed Barcelona running to get to the beginning stage 7. It was like one of my morning work outs in Bcn.
One of the main streets in Barcelona, La Gran Via, was partially cleared of cars, so Ricard and I ran through it, with no cars around, all the way to the beginning of the stage, in Avda. Maria Cristina.
I didn't expect it to be so special . It was a big privilege to get to live the Tour atmosphere from the very inside, no fences, free to walk around, and see all that big group of amazing athletes all around me. Pretty unforgettable.


Sonia said...

La reportera más dicharachera del Tour de France!!!
No hi ha rés com saber fer servir bé las armas de mujer...
Un besín guapes!

Marisa said...

Thank you, thank you! Com va anar per Formentera? Per aqui...no podria anar millor ;-) Us he de trucar!!!

Sonia said...

Molt bé xikiya, una mica menys màgica del que estiic acostumada pk hi havia massa gent...
I tu què? de maravella, no???
Ja ens trucaràs.
Un besin.