Monday, August 31, 2009

September 7th: MARATHON DAY FOR ME!!!!

I am one week away from running my first marathon ever, and although I think I am prepared, I feel like one more month of training would make it perfect. I am excited, and I am really looking forward to it.
I just would like to finish it, and if I can do it in less than 4.5 hours, I'll be happy, if I run it in less than 4 hours I'll be elated, in less than 4 way!

Em queda una setmaneta per còrrer la meva primera marató, i encara que em sento preparada, tinc la sensació que potser un altre més d’entrenament, em donaria la seguretat total. Tinc moltes ganes, estic il-lusionada per que arribi el dia.
M’agradaria poder acabar-la, i si ho puc fer en menys de 4’5 hores estaré contenta, si la corro en menys de 4 hores, estaré super feliç, en menys de 3’5 hores…impossible!


Cristóbal said...

I don't care about the time!
I just want you to enjoy the experience!
Good luck!

Marisa said...

I don't care about the time either, except for the fact that too much time=more fatigue. I am sooooooooooooooooooooo excited! I cannot wait!
Nice Skyping with you today.