Sunday, October 26, 2008


¿Qué tienen en común las siguientes fotos?:

Wasson High School

Universidad de Estocolmo

Colorado Springs


Genética molecular

Bellotas, el fruto de la encina

...La respuesta es: buenos y nostálgicos recuerdos.


Self picture

Rachel, one minute ahead

Self picture

At the bottom of Barr Trail

We were a smaller crowd today. Rachel and I went up to the Incline, with the purpose of improving our time from last Sunday. My personal goal was not to stop once, and then take the Barr Trail down running. Mission accomplished!

It took Rachel 35 minutes to reach the top, and it took me 36 minutes. Last week it took us 55 minutes to climb it.

It is very interesting to talk to the people at the top of the Incline. Most of us take a nice break, before taking any of the routs down to the town. Most likely you end up striking a conversation with somebody, just like we did today with a 74 year old man from Great Britain (...I want to be like him when I grow up), and a father with his highschooler son.
Cool people up there. Both times I have met people at the top who are in great shape, body and mind wise.
I am telling you! The Incline creates addiction. I cannot wait until next Sunday.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Moltes felicitats parella! Us desitjo lo millor del món amb el vostre fill.
Benvingut Helios. Has tingut la sort de nèixer en una família estupenda.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

YOU'VE BRIGHTEN UP MY DAY. THANK YOU Mr. or Ms. ANONYMOUS! Me has alegrado el día querido/a anónimo/a. ¡Muchísimas gracias!

Who are you?
Qui ets?
¿Quién eres?

Thank you anyway. They are lovely!...but, please, who are you???????

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Today two of my most athletic dancers and I went to hike the famous Manitou Incline. It is a 2,000 vertical feet in 1 mile trail(6000 vertical meters, in 1600 meters trail) with the steepest grade at 68%, all full of steps of various heights. They really aren't steps but old railroad ties and some of them are missing.
The Manitou Incline, the most popular, and illegal, trail in the region, took us 55 minutes going up, Aja and I took 35 minutes to get down, while Rachel took only about 20 minutes.
Going up your lung capacity suffers, going down is a complete different story. It is a constant balance-check, plenty of close calls because of the very slippery terrain. It is all loose sand, little rocks and pebbles, metal tubes crossing the path, and its steepness doesn't make it easier.
It is definitely not recommended if you have bad knees, weak quads or are afraid of heights. Our legs felt like jelly at the end, from all the going down, fighting gravity with our legs, while trying to stay balanced.
It was a very challenging but also fulfilling Sunday workout. Thanks girls!

The hair thin, straight up line on the mountain, is the tough Manitou Incline

Far away view of the Incline

Uneven steps

Middle section of the Incline

At the bottom, ready to start!

Aja and Rachel at the beginning...we didn't know yet how hard it was going to get!

Almost at the top

Ufffff! I made it!!!!!!!!!

Finally at the top. We made it together. Congrats dancers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Si voleu entendre una mica més de que va la crisi econòmica que ens envolta, no us perdeu l’entrevista d'Andreu Buenafuente a Leopoldo Abadía. Ens dona una lliçó en pedagogia econòmica. Es simplement genial.