Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Yo creo que las respuestas eran muy obvias. De todas formas, congratulations Carlos!!!

All the way from Stockholm, Carlos, the only winner of our weekly genetics contest.

Per aquells estudiosos o curiosos de les, cel-lules, microorganismes i altres bichets diminuts amb els que compartim vivències diariament, aquí teniu la resposta (…supongo y espero que correcta) del guanyador:

Genomic region. Any specific area in any chromosome.

Lytic-lysogenic. When a phage infects a bacterium, the phage makes many copies of itself inside the cell and the bacterium bursts to release the phage progeny (lysis). When the chromosome of the phage integrates in the chromosome of the bacterium and stays there as a part of the bacterium’s chromosome (lysogeny). The phage can choose between the two life cycles.

Escherichia coli. The species of bacteria most studied in the world.

The Cox repressor lytic growth. Cox is a protein that facilitates the lytic growth.

Phylogenetic analyses
The phylogenetic relationship.
The relationship between different organisms, in terms of Evolution. For example, human are more related to apes than to dogs.

Phages. Or bacteriophages are virus that infect bacteria.

Pe and Pc. Promoters, region of DNA that causes expression (formation of proteins) of different genes. Here Pe induces lysis and Pc, lysogeny.

Se me olvidaba, Escherichia coli es una bacteria que vive en nuestros intestinos, los fagos que yo estudio también.


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