Sunday, June 14, 2009


Time: 1 hour 28 minutes
This race today was definitely a different way of running for me. It was almost no flat terrain. It mostly consisted on going up, and then down, then up again...It was fun, hard, and challenging at times. "Marathon reality" hit me between mile 6 and 7, when my legs were not fresh anymore; Marathon thoughts, and I said to myself: "Hmm....Marisa, in a marathon race, right now you would have done only 1/4 of the total distance. Am I going to be able to finish a Marathon???...I need to train harder or I'll die!!!"

Aquesta carrera avui, ha sigut definitvament un manera diferent de correr per mi. Gran part del recorregut ha consistit en pujades i baixades constants, sense passar pel terreny pla massa sovint. Ha esta divertit, dificil i desafiant a estones. Entre el km 9 i 10, quan les cames comencen a notar fatiga, la realitat d'una marató m'ha vingut als pensaments: "Mmm....Marisa, en una marató, ara mateix hauries corregut només 1/4 part del total de la distància. Seré capaç d'acabar una marató???...Necessito entrenar més fort, o moriré en l'intent!!!"