Saturday, March 22, 2008


Molt agradable visita la de la Sílvia i en JL. Sempre és un plaer poder compartir amb la bona gent.

Dissabte: esquí a Malbun (Liechtenstein), amb bona temperatura i solejat.

Diumenge: ennuvolat, visita a Wallenstadt i poblet del mateix nom. Després de dinar, visita passada per aigüa al Castell de Sargans, i indrets del voltant.

Dilluns: caminant sota la pluja a Buchs, dinar al menjador de BZB, amb un peu a Suïssa i l'altre a la capital del principat, Vaduz. Acabem la tarda a la cafeteria/museu més in de tota la regió, però, el cos demana quelcom calent.

Dimarts: passejada per Zurich, pel Bahnhofstrasse i les seves tendes exclusives de renom requetemundial. Catada "d'uns quants" bombons dels més suissos, café al més pur estil ianqui a Starbucks, caminada per carrers antics plens d'encant, i cap a l'aeroport.

Gràcies per la visita i per la flexibilitat d'horaris...Perdó per les dificultats d'il-luminació!

Very pleasant Sílvia's and JL visit. It is always a pleasure to be able to spend time with good people.
Saturday: skiing in Malbun (Liechtenstein), with good temperatures and sunny.
Sunday: cloudy, visiting Wallenstadt and its town. After lunch, rainy visit to Sargan's Castle, and its surroundings.
Monday: walking in the rain around Buchs, lunch at BZB, with one foot in Switzerland and the other in Vaduz, the capital of the principality. We finished the evening at the most snobby cafe/museum of the whole region, but we needed something warm.
Tuesday: walking around Zurich, up and down Bahnhofstrasse with its very exclusive shops, which sell the work of the most famous designers around the world. We had "a few" Swiss chocolate tastings, coffe in Starbucks, just like if we were in the States, walked around the old and charming narrow streets, and...time to go to the airport.

Thanks for the visit, and for being flexible with the schedule...Sorry for the lighting difficulties!

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