Sunday, March 23, 2008


Entrada a l'escola
School entry

L'escolaritat no obligatòria comença a Suïssa als quatre anys, però, el que sí és obligatori és que tot nen i nena porti un reflectant posat.
T'el donen de forma gratuïta el primer dia d'escola, i aquest els acompanyarà diariament pel camí de casa al cole, i viceversa. Els parvulets de quatre anys segueixen la tradició d'anar i venir sols de l'escola, encara que hagin de travessar carreteres nacionals, amb els seus tractors, camions i punts de visibilitat reduïda. Per sort, porten un reflectant penjat al coll!
Per cert, a aquesta "tradició", no m'hi apunto.
The non-mandatory schooling starts in Switzerland at the age of four, but what is mandatory for all boys and girls, is to wear a reflector.
They give it to you for free the first day of school, and this will daily accompany the students from their way to and from the school. The little four year old kindergarteners, follow the tradition of going to school, as well as coming from school, by themselves, eventhough they may have to cross busy roads, with its trucks, tractors, and with its poor visibility in some areas. Lucky them, they are wearing a reflector down their neck!
By the way, I don't follow this "tradition".

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